Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future. It takes a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care. Physiotherapists maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.
The profession helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay in work while helping them remain independent for as long as possible.
What Physiotherapists Do
Physiotherapy is a science-based profession and takes a 'whole person' approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the patient's general lifestyle. At the core is the patient's involvement in their own care, through education, awareness, empowerment and participation in their treatment.
You can benefit from physiotherapy at any time in your life. Physiotherapy helps with back pain or sudden injury, managing long-term medical condition such as asthma, and in preparing for childbirth or a sporting event.
Why Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists use their knowledge and skills to improve a range of conditions associated with different systems of the body, such as:
- Neurological (Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's)
- Neuromusculoskeletal (back pain, whiplash associated disorder, sports injuries, arthritis)
- Cardiovascular (Chronic Heart Disease, Rehabilitation after Heart attack)
- Respiratory (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cystic fibrosis).
Our Physiotherapist
Father's Name |
Mr. Baldev Kumar Chadha |
Date Of Birth |
14th December 1989 |
Husband's Name |
Dr. Rajat Gupta (PT) |
Contact No |
+91 9837703295, 8077583449 |
E-mail | |
Address |
Block 95 THDC colony Dehrakhas Dehradun. U.K. – 248001 |
Dr. Koshambi Chadha Gupta (PT) |
PAU Reg. Num |
L-1089 |
Education Qualification
- Bachelors of Physiotherapy, DIBNS(Manduwala, Dehradun)
- Masters of Science in Osteopathy
- P G Certificate in Advance Postural Biomechanical Corrections (APBC Technique).
- Diplomate in Osteopathic Manipulative Theory and Practice from Osteopathic College of Ontario
- Fellowship in Osteopathy & Manipulative therapy
Memberships and Awards
- Member of Asia Pacific Osteopathic Association.
- Member of National Association of Osteopathy India.
- Member of Physiotherapy Association of Uttarakhand.
- Scientific Paper Presentation in Conference on the Osteopathy Techniques.
Conferences Attended
- International conference & workshops of physical therapy, AIIMS 2011.
- 3rd International Conference Of Physical Therapy-AIIMS 2014
- CME On "Osteopathy Techniques For Indian Clinical Scenario" 2015 (International Credit:2, 8 hours).
- 5th International Conference Of Physical Therapy-AIIMS 2016.
- The Convention Osteo Rehab Confluence / seminar on Cervical Dysfunctions. 2017.
- 1st National Hill Physiocon 2018.
- OsteoRehab ACADEMIC-CLINICAL COLLIGATION 2018 (8 credit Hours).
- Seminar on Lumbopelvic Dysfunction (8 credit Hours).
- 1st National Osteopathy Conference 2018.
Workshop & Extra Courses Attended
- Hands on certificate course on ZRT MATRIX THERAPY.
- Accredited Foot Balance Medical Expert.
- Workshop on Dry Needling Therapy.
- Hands On Workshop on Orientation of current Trends In Neuro Rehabilitation.
- Workshop on Interactive Approach in Radiodaignosis for Extremities, Brain & Spine.
- Certified Kinesiology Taping Therapist (CKTT).
- Certificate in Advance Manipulative Therapy (CAMT). In Osteopathy & Chiropractic (32 CPD Hours).
- Hands on Workshop on Kinetic and Myokinetic Chain at AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Workshop on International Chiropractic & Myokinetic release in Lumbopelvic dysfunction at AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Cetificate for Articular Dysfunctions & Management.
- National Workshop on Cranial Osteopathy at IAMR, Ghaziabad.
- Manual techniques for various pheripheral disorders by MAITLAND APPROACH. (4 credit).
- Workshop on Walk-Ex-Functional Electrical Stimulator.
- Workshop on Myofascial Release. (16CPD Hours).
- Hands on workshop on Neural Tissue Mobility & Dynamics.
- C.M.E cum Workshop on The role of Radio- Diagnoses in Physiotherapy.
- Hands on workshop on Integrated Manual Therapy for Lumbar Spine
- Workshop on Spinal Disorder & Corrections.
- Workshop on Cerebral Palsy: An integrated & Problem Solving Approach.
- Workshop on Complete Solutions for Spinal Disorders by Neuro-Musculo Skeletal Manual Approach
Extra Curricular Activities
Active Participant in all Cultural Events held in Institute and School
Professional Experience
- Owner at Shakti Physiotherapy and Osteopathy Clinic, since April 2015
- Worked as a Consultant Physiotherapist at PARAS Physiotherapy and Osteopathy Center, Dehradun
- Taken awareness programe seminar on topic "Requirement Of Physiotherapy In Prenatal And Post Natal Women" since 2016
- Taken awareness programe seminor on topic "Need Of Physiotherapy In Our Day To Day Life" at SJVN office Dehradun (2018).
Father's Name |
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Gupta |
Date Of Birth |
17th December 1991 |
Contact No |
+91 8909640941, 7895323202 |
E-mail | |
Address :- |
Block 95 THDC Dehrakhas; Dehradun. U.K. – 248001 |
Dr. Rajat Gupta (PT) |
PAU Reg. Num |
L-1145 |
Education Qualification
- Bachelors of Physiotherapy, SBSPGI (Balawala, dehradun)
- Master Of Science in Osteopathy
- P G Certificate in Advance Postural Biomechanical Corrections (APBC Technique)
- Diplomate in Osteopathic Manipulative Theory and Practice from Osteopathic College of Ontario
- Diploma In Orthopaedic medicine (Cyriax)
- Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O) from National University of Medical Sciences(Spain. Persuing
Memberships & Awards
- Member of Asia Pacific Osteopathic Association.
- Member of National Association of Osteopathy in India
- Member of Physiotherapy Association Of Uttrakhand
Conferences Attended
- International conference & workshmops of physical therapy, AIIMS 2011
- 3rd International Conference On Manual Therapy (INTERCOMAT) 2013
- Advance Physiotherapy Conference –APCON 2014
- 3rd International Conference Of Physical Therapy-AIIMS 2014
- CME On "Osteopathy Techniques For Indian Clinical Scenario" 2015 (International Credit:2, 8 hours)
- 5th International Conference Of Physical Therapy-AIIMS 2016
- The Convention Osteo Rehab Confluence / seminar on Cervical Dysfunctions. 2017
- 1st National Hill Physiocon 2018
- OsteoRehab ACADEMIC-CLINICAL COLLIGATION 2018 (8 credit Hours)
- 1st National Osteopathy Conference 2018
- Seminar on Lumbopelvic Dysfunction (8 credit Hours).
Workshop & Extra Courses attended
- Hands on certificate course on ZRT MATRIX THERAPY
- Accredited Foot Balance Medical Expert
- Workshop on Dry Needling Therapy
- Certified Kinesiology Taping Therapist(CKTT)
- Certificate Of Manual Therapy (Foundation Course)
- Certificate in Advance Manipulative Therapy (CAMT). In Osteopathy & Chiropractic (32 CPD Hours)
- Hands on Workshop on Kinetic and Myokinetic Chain at AIIMS, New Delhi
- Workshop on International Chiropractic & Myokinetic release in Lumbopelvic dysfunction at AIIMS, New Delhi
- Cetificate for Articular Dysfunctions & Management
- National Workshop on Cranial Osteopathy at IAMR, Ghaziabad
- Manual techniques for various pheripheral disorders by MAITLAND APPROACH (4 credit)
- Workshop on Walk-Ex-Functional Electrical Stimulator
- Workshop on Myofascial Release. (16CPD Hours)
- Workshop on Spinal Disorder & Corrections
- Workshop On Manual Therapy Examination And Treatment Techniques For Nerve Related Pain
- Workshop on Basics Concepts Of Spinal Mobilization
- Workshop on Complete Solutions for Spinal Disorders by Neuro-Musculo Skeletal Manual Approach
Extra Curricular Activities
Active Participant in all Cultural Events held in Institute and School
Professional Experience
- Owner at Shakti Physiotherapy and Osteopathy Clinic, since April 2015
- Worked as a Consultant Physiotherapist at OsteoCure Physiotherapy and Osteopathy clinic Dehradun
- Taken awareness programe seminar on topic “Requirement Of Physiotherapy In Prenatal And Post Natal Women”from 2016
- Taken awareness programe seminor on topic “Need Of Physiotherapy In Our Day To Day Life” at SJVN office Dehradun(2018).
- Former Head of Department of Physiotherapy at Shri Yashoda Hospital
Husband's Name |
Dr. Ravi Joshi |
Date Of Birth |
07 March 1983 |
Contact No |
+91 7895819853, 8979667108 |
E-mail | |
Languages known |
Hindi, English, Kannada |
Address |
C/o- Yogesh Pandey, 7 Rishikul, Vidyapeeth, Haridwar |
Dr. Vidyarani Joshi |
Present Adress |
NDS Colony, Rishikesh,.UttaraKhand |
- To obtain an AyurvedicPhysician position and to contribute to the success of the company
- To bring the best out of me
- To make sure that the organization in which I work benefits out of me
- I do realize the fact that if I have to grow in my life, I need simultaneously the organization in which I work too to grow, it’s a symbiotic relationship
Education Qualification
Course |
Year |
Institution |
Percentage/CGPA |
MD Ayurveda (Physiology) |
2017 |
HimaliyaAyurvedic Medical college Dun Uttrakhand,University(UK) |
70% |
PGC in Panchakarma |
2009 |
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University. (KA) |
64% |
2007 |
DGM Ayurvedic Medical College,Rajiv Gandhi University. (KA) |
70% |
XII( Karnataka Board) |
2001 |
- |
62% |
X( Karnataka Board) |
1999 |
SMC School, Harihar, Karnataka |
79% |
Working Experience
- As a Ayurveda Physician and Panchakarma Consultant 10 years.
- As M.O in Panchakarma Department AtreyaAyurvedicMedicial College Bengaluru for 2 Years
- As M.O in Panchakarma Department HimaliyaAyurvedicMedicial College Dehradun For 4 Years
- Practicing in own Center as Ayurveda Physician Rishikesh since 4 Years
- Present working as Senior Ayurveda consultant in Ayurveda Bhavan, RishikeshSince 2 Years6 Months.
- Assistant professor in Sharirkriya department, HaridwarAyurvedicMedicalCollege, Haridwar.
- Evaluate the efficacy of Kati basti and Ekangaveer Rasa prayoga in the management of Grdhrasi(Sciatica)
- A Comparative study of Medadhatu (adipose tissue) with special reference to Obesity
Seminar-As speaker
- 11th National conference of association of Anaesthetic of Indian medicine in Davangere(KA) 2007.
- CME in Ayurveda on “Recent Advances in “Psoriasis, organized by Dep. of KMC Manipal 2007.
- CME in Ayurveda on “Recent Advances in Amavata” organized by Dep. of KMC Manipal 2008.
- National Conference of Geriatrics- An Ayurvedic Respective at Mysore 2009
- CME on Pakshaghata/ stroke syndrom in current clinical practice in S.D.M. college, 2010.
- State level seminar on TamakShwasa (Bronchial Asthama) at B.M.K. medical college, Belagavi, 2010.
- International conference on Holistic management of Annavahasrotasvyadhi at RishikeshHaridwar - 2016.
- CME Ayurveda module 2 organized by H.A.M.C.H Dehradun- sponsored by ministry of Ayush. Govt of India-2016.
- C.M.E for Kayachikitsa Physicians at Varanasi- 2016.
- Internal conference of Recent Advancements in Panchkarma- 2016.
- International conference on Recent Advancements in Panchakarma at Haridwar- 2016.
- An International conference Evidence based Ayurveda and life science - ivriBareielly -2017.
International Research Publications
- Rasayan a general approach.
- Shat kriyakala a clinical evaluation.
- A clinical approach of Jatharagni (digestive fire).
Successful cases treated
- Female disorders: Chronic leucorrhoea, Chronic UTI, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Dysmenorrhea, Metrorrhagia, PCOS( poly cystic ovarian syndrome)
- Infertility
- Chronic Migraine, Chronic Sinusitis, Chronic Asthma, visual disorders
- Psoriasis and other skin disorders. Liver Disorders
- Obessive Compulsive Disorder( OCD)
- Autism in children
- Liver Disorders
- Digestive disorders
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Musculoskeleton disorder
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Panchakarma Therapy – Detoxification therapy.
- Diet and life style.
- Developer of unique programs like Women’s Health and Beauty program.
- Weight management.
- Ayurvedic Rejuvenation and Destress.
- Restoring balance mind and body as per Ayurveda.
- Managing Diabetes, Hypertension as per Ayurveda.
- Treating diseases related to liver and digestive system, musculoskeletal system etc.
- Treating female disorders.
- Treating skin disorders.
- Preparing different types of medicines according to individual problems.
- Balancing Mind according to Panchakosha Meditation
- Chakra Therapy – diagnosing, treating and balancing sapta chakra.
- To give proper Knowledge of Ayurveda and Authentic Ayurveda treatment for the people all around the world.
- To create a warm and friendly atmosphere that positively influences the healing and wellness.
- Special interest in treating and to guide the children who are suffering from Chronic Headache, Digestive Problem, Aggressive and irritated towards surrounding people, loss of concentration, stress and deep emotions.
Present research under progress
- Obessive Compulsive Disorder [OCD] -This is one of the common Mental disorder which is observed in many people.
- Autism Specially in Children: Autism is a neuro development disorder that affects communication and behaviour