According to Karma Yoga, our actions defines us. This is the path of dedicated work and instead of hoarding the results to ourselves, we need to renounce the results of our actions as spiritual offerings.
Karma means action and karma yoga is both the action and the outcome of the particular action. Our experience comprises of karma as the result. It can be good or bad as per our previous actions. This chain of cause and effect has been created by our actions can be destroyed by the karma yoga. It can be seen as the effective way of fighting fire with fire to stop the chain of karma and its result. The work process is devoiced from the ego and practice gratitude by offering the results to the supreme god.
Actions are inevitable part of life and an integral part of living. All of us perform actions all the time even when we are sitting idle, as thinking is also an action. Since actions directs our path, it is necessary to reorient its direction towards a path of realization. In Bhagwad Geeta Krishna mentions “Whatever your action, Food or worship; Whatever the gift, That you give to another; Whatever you vow; To the work of the spirit. Lay these also as offerings before Me”.
We set an expectation in our mind while performing a task with an anticipation of positive outcome of future which is yet to happen instead of living the moment and enjoying this as it is. From the spiritual perspective, these expectations acts as a reason for misery sooner or later. We cannot deny this misery due to the expectations and never ending desires of gratification. This in result forges a new chain instead breaking the bonds of karma.
Karma yoga can be practiced by anyone with or without any religious belief or temperament intellectual and meditative in nature. Everyone can benefit from karma yoga, for thoughts can be equally responsible as physical actions in creating karma bonds or breaking it.
Karma yoga works on very simple mechanism, just by the manifesting a thought or action and offering it to the god you believe in, if not you can simply offer it to the nature. The point of all the yoga's is to spiritualize the life instead of insulating it into spiritual and secular zones. Any activity cannot be performed to escape as its result will come back, understanding and implementing this is the major benefit of karma yoga.