• Khasra No. 225, Dhaal Wala, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand - 249201

Panchakarma Technician Courses


This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Panchakarma Technician”, in the “Healthcare” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learners

Program Name Panchakarma Technician
Qualification Pack Name &
Reference ID. ID
HSS/Q3601, version 1.0
Pre-requisites to Training 12th Standard
Training Outcomes

After completing this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Apply basic concepts and fundamental principles related to panchakarma.
  • Assist the therapist/doctor and other related professionals during the procedure.
  • Interpret prescription efficiently and carry out panchakarma procedures competently.
  • Explain the use of different herbs and formulations related to panchakarma.
  • Discuss indications, contraindications, and precautions in diet related to panchakarma.
  • Carry out maintenance of the panchakarma unit
  • Carry out routine patient care tasks during the panchakarma procedure.
  • Check the vital parameters to assess the physical state of patient

This course encompasses 5 out of 5 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “Panchakarma Technician” Qualification Pack issued by “SIYA Wellness Retreat”.

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required

Panchakarma technicians
and their key functions

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of panchakarma technician
  • Explain about the different instruments and equipment’s required to prepare the panchakarma unit
  • Demonstrate documentation and maintain proper registers related to panchakarma procedures
  • Discuss about the importance of medicaments used in panchakarma and its safe use.
  • Discuss about the quality control and quality assurance at panchakarma unit
  • Discuss about the correct method of handling various articles and medicaments in panchakarma unit
  • Discuss about do’s and don’ts related to functions of panchakarma technician
  • Check the vital parameters to assess the physical state of patient

Basics of human anatomy and physiology

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Explain about the anatomy of cells, tissues, systems, membranes and glands of human body
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the musculo-skeletal system
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the excretory system
  • Describe anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system, sense organs and reproductive system
  • Describe the physiology of blood and its components
3D models of
human body
and accessory
organs, e-module

Basic concept and fundamental principles of Ayurveda

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Explain the concept of Ayurveda
  • Discuss in brief the concept of mind, bodyand soul
  • Explain the importance of panchakarma therapy
  • Explain the importance of Deepana dravya and Pachana helps in the treatment of indigestion or indigested food
  • Explain the concept of Tridosha, Sapta, Dhatu (body elements), Mala (waste products), Koshta (alimentary tract)
  • Explain the concept of Prakruti (body constitution)
  • Explain the concepts of Daraniya (non-suppressive urges) and Aadharaniyavegas (suppressive urges)
  • Discuss the concept of Srotas (body channels)
  • Explain the concept of Ama and Agni
  • Explain the importance and application of ayurvedic therapies “Shadupakramas (Brimhana, Langhana, Svedana, Stambhana, Rukshna, Senhana), Rasayana, Vajikarana, Samsamana, Samsodhana, Pathya - Apathya”
  • Explain the concept of ayurvedic pharmacology knowledge of Rasa, Guna, Karma, Virya, Vipaka and Prabhava of Dravya
  • Explain about the different oils use in medicinal therapy
arts and

Carry out panchakarma therapy

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Explain the pre procedure compliances of therapy including Right Patient, Right Dose, Right Drug, Right Route, Right Time, Right Documentation, Right to Know and Right to Refuse
  • Demonstrate various patient positioning used to conduct different therapies
  • Measure the vital parameters of patient to assess general state before conducting procedure
  • Demonstrate standard procedure for medicament dosage calculation
  • Explain about the standard operating procedures for Snehana Karma (oleation treatment)
  • Demonstrate the different types of massages
  • Demonstrate the types of procedures such as Shirodhara, Shirobasti, Shirobhyanga, Padabhyanga, Udwartana, Udgharshana, Mardana, Samvahana, SiroPichu and Sthanik Pichu, Lepa, Kavalaand, Gandoosha (gargling)
  • Explain about standard operating procedures for Sweda Karma (fomentation) and its benefits
  • Demonstrate the Tapa Sweda (fomentation), Upanaha Sweda (poultice), Ushma Sweda (herbal steam and Bolus bags)
  • Organize work and prioritize the activities as per the instructions of the therapist/ doctor
  • Assist the patient in home visits also
  • Explain about do’s and don’ts related to each therapy
e-modules and

Major procedures of panchakarma

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Explain about the pharmacodynamics, indications, contraindications of various panchakarma procedures such as Vamana Karma (therapeutic emesis), Virechana Karma (purgation), Basti Karma (enema), Nasya Karma (nasal administration of oils and herbal derivatives), Rakta Mokshana (therapeutic bloodletting)
  • Explain about the concepts of Samyak Yoga, Ati Yoga and Ayoga, Lakshanas
  • Discuss about the Vyapads (complications) in Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamokshana.

Ayurvedic diet (Ahara) and concepts related to panchakarma

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Discuss the importance of Ahara in health and disorders
  • Explain the importance of Hita Avam Ahita Ahara based on Doshika Prakriti
  • Explain about Ritucharya Avam Ahara and its preparation
  • Explain about Dinacharya Avam Ahara and its preparation
  • Explain about the importance of Anupama with respect to panchakarma
  • Discuss the concept of Peyadi, Tarpanadi Krama and its preparation
  • Explain the preparation of Swarasa, Kalka, Kwath, Hima, Phanta, Tandulodaka, Mantha,Avaleha, Dhanyamla, Kshirapaka, Panaka, Mamsarasa, Lepa
  • Explain about the importance of diet according to panchakarma procedure
Diet Charts

Provide support to the patient throughout the therapy session

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Plan suitable time of appointment to the individual in consultation with therapist/doctor or concerned authority
  • Identify limitations or comfort areas of patient basis on preferences considering factors such as gender, religion, culture, language, etc
  • Explain do’s and don’ts to patients during therapy as per orders from a therapist/doctor with respect to a specific therapy
  • Maintain records of grievances and escalate to the concerned authority as per organizational policies and procedures
  • Identify the needs of the individual post therapy sessions and record it as per organizational policies
  • Explain the importance of taking and recording feedback from patients post therapy as per organizational process

Soft skills and communication

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code
Bridge Module

  • Explain the significance of effective communication
  • Demonstrate the use of effective communication with patients and family without using jargons and colloquial terms
  • Apply effective communication skills with colleagues using appropriate terminology in communication
  • Apply basic reading and writing skills
  • Apply goal setting, team building, teamwork, time management, thinking and reasoning and communicating with others
  • Apply problem solving and decision-making skills
  • Describe the need for patient service and service excellence in medical service
  • Explain work ethics in hospital set up
  • Discuss objection handling
  • Analyse the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently
  • Apply the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently
  • Evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently
  • Identify rapidly changing situations and adapt accordingly
Case studies
and modules of
soft skills,

Post therapy compliances

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  •  Explain do’s and don’ts for patients post therapy including precautions to be taken at home settings as per orders from a therapist/doctor with respect to a specific therapy
  • Apply standard operating procedures for maintenance of panchakarma unit
  • Identify the suitable cleaning agent and method/procedure for cleaning
  • Inspect the functionality of required articles for next session
  • Apply safe practices while cleaning articles and other related components
  • Identify faulty articles and report in line with relevant requirements, policies and procedures
  • Inspect articles during and after processing
  • Apply hygiene and infection control associated with handling of linen
  • Explain the correct methods for handling, segregation and transport of used and unused linen
  • Explain the relevance and maintenance of records for consumables and non-consumables items
Different types
of cleaning
and cleaning
brushes and
guidelines of
cleaning the

Inventory Control

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Maintain inventory of stock
  • Explain the importance of keeping record of manufacturing and expiration dates
  • Report any loss of commodities or consumables.
  • Discuss inventory replenishment and distribution systems
  • Identify stock not complying with inventory control guidelines
  • Remove stock not complying with inventory control guidelines.
  • Re-process or discard stock not complying with inventory control guidelines
  • Expl
inventory lists,

Maintain interpersonal relationship with colleagues and others

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Apply appropriate and timely communication between inter and intra departments
  • Maintain confidentiality and privacy
  • Describe the importance for ensuring fulfilment of commitments
  • Explain organization’s policies and procedures
  • Discuss the importance of effective communication amongst colleagues
Case studies
amongst the
team members

Maintain professional and medico-legal conduct

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code
Bridge Module

  • Apply rules and policies of organization
  • Apply code of conduct and demonstrate best practices
  • Explain the importance of carrying out one’s duties and responsibilities and effects of non-compliance
  • Maintain relationship with other departments and seek support if required
  • Reduce risks associated with quality and safety measures
Sample case

Maintain a safe, healthy and secure working environment

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code
Bridge Module

  • Enhance awareness of the responsibilities to maintain health safety and security
  • Enhance awareness for performing basic first aid in case of emergencies
  • Identify potential hazards in the hospital and hospital colour coding system
  • Demonstrate documentation related to safety and security
  • Identify the suspicious package or items
  • Follow the policy and rules of the organisation
  • Demonstrate the skills of infection control and use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
First-Aid Kit,
colour coding
videos on

infection control policies and procedures

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code
Bridge Module

  • Describe the importance of infection control and prevention and guiding others about it in accordance with healthcare team
  • Identify the factors which influence the outcome of an exposure to infection
  • List strategies for preventing transmission of pathogenic organisms
  • Demonstrate the steps of spill management
  • Ensure hand hygiene and infection control and exposure control and exposure control
  • Describe nosocomial infections
  • Explain the importance of incident reporting
  • Develop techniques of self-grooming and maintenance
  • Explain the concept of immunisation to reduce the health risks for self and patients.
guidelines on
hand washing
and hand rub
spill kit, PPE

Bio Medical Waste Management

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Explain the importance of proper and safe disposal of bio-medical waste and treatment
  • Explain the categories of bio-medical waste
  • Discuss about disposal of bio-medical waste – colour coding, types of containers, transportation of waste, etc. pathogenic organisms
  • Explain standards for bio-medical waste disposal
  • Discuss means of bio-medical waste treatment
Different coded
colour bins,
chart for colour
coding of bins

Basic Computer Knowledge

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code

  • Discuss the application of computers
  • Explain the concepts of computers including block diagram, input and output devices and storage devices.
  • Discuss the latest version of software such as Window 10, its utilities and basic operations
  • Microsoft office 2000 – MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint Presentation
Computer with
internet facility
and latest MS

Reporting and Documentation

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS Code
Bridge Module

  • Define the scope of practice for panchakarma technician in reporting and documentation
  • Define and discuss the method of reporting matrix.
  • Explain the importance of maintaining various records
  • Explain the various types of records to be maintained by the panchakarma technician
formats of
reports and

Total Duration

Theory Duration

Practical Duration

Total mandatory OJT Duration (hh:mm)

Unique equipment required:

3D models of human body and accessory organs, e-modules and demonstrative videos, computer-aided learning modules, rubber and latex gloves and apron, modules of soft skills, different types of cleaning instruments and cleaning agents, standard guidelines of cleaning the equipment, inventory registers, sample inventory lists, inventory separators, case studies portraying effective networking amongst the team members, first-aid kit, colour coding diagrams, infection control protocols, Personal Protective Equipment, videos on safety, current guidelines on hand washing and hand rub techniques, spill kit, different coded colour bins, chart for colour coding of bins, computer with internet facility and latest MS Office, sample formats of reports and hospital documents, latest hand hygiene protocols

Interactive lectures and discussion

  • Brain storming
  • Charts and models
  • Activity
  • Video presentation

Skill lab equipped with following arrangements:

  • Unique equipment as enlisted at the last
  • Practical demonstration of various functions
  • Case study
  • Role play
kits, latest
hand hygiene

Grand Total Course Duration 1000:00 hours (300:00 hours duration for Classroom, 400:00 hours of Skill Lab Training and 300:00 hours of mandatory OJT)

(This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by SSC: SIYA Wellness Retreat)

Trainer Prerequisites for Job role: “Panchakarma Technician” mapped to Qualification Pack: “HSS/Q3601, v1.0”

Sr. No. Area Details
1 Description To deliver accredited training service, mapping to the curriculum detailed above, in accordance with the Qualification Pack “HSS/Q3601”.
2 Personal Attributes Aptitude for conducting training, and pre/ post work to ensure competent, employable candidates at the end of the training. Strong communication skills, interpersonal skills, ability to work as part of a team; a passion for quality and for developing others; well-organised and focused, eager to learn and keep oneself updated with the latest in the mentioned field.
3 Minimum
M.D. degree in Panchakarma/ Kayachikista
B.A.M.S. with 5 years of clinical experience in Panchakarma
4a Domain Certification Certified for Job Role:“Panchakarma Technician” mapped to QP: “HSS/Q3601”, version 1.0 with scoring of minimum 80%.
4b Platform Certification Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role:“Trainer”, mapped to the Qualification Pack: “MEP/Q2601” with scoring of minimum 80%.
5 Experience M.D. degree in Panchakarma/ Kayachikista
B.A.M.S. with 5 years of clinical experience in Panchakarma

Annexure: Assessment Criteria

Criteria for Assessment of Trainees
Job Role:  Panchakarma Technician
Qualifications Pack:  HSS/Q3601
Sector Skill Council:   SIYA Wellness Retreat
Guidelines for Assessment:
  • Criteria for assessment for each Qualifications Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
  • The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
  • Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below.)
  • Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/ training center based on these criteria.
  • To pass the Qualifications Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in every NOS.
  • In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOSs, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualifications Pack.
  • In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualifications Pack.

Annexure: Assessment Criteria

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