Sunaina Rekhi
Yoga Teacher
Sunaina started practising yoga with no the intent to teach early on. Initially, she found the practice was challenging but also found it was a door to experiencing her body in ways that she had only vaguely sensed before; both kinesthetically and intuitively.
It has been a roller coaster for the first two years of her yoga practice as she floundered amidst feelings that she hardly understood. She moved across continents South Africa, Europe and then finally to Asia) to sense and understand the philosophy of yoga. Confidence built up and consistent practice made her belief in herself stronger.
This evolutionary journey finally lead her to the land of yoga itself Rishikesh. “There was something different about the yoga there - on the banks of the holy Ganges, surrounded by thousands of years of yogic study and practise.” Being in such close proximity to the birthplace of yoga itself and waking to Surya namaskars as the sun rose over the hills of the Himalayas was a wonderful and profound experience for her.
The teacher's training course she pursued there gave her a much deeper understanding of herself and her practice. For her, yoga was always more than just going to a studio and taking a class - it was an experience in self-awareness and knowledge, a way of life and a way of self-study.
Sunaina passionate belief is that we can all learn to utilize the powerful tradition of yoga to promote sustainability and healing for our individual needs, even in our modern ways of life.